If you quote from books and reference the quotes this is acceptable, however quoted material should be used to back up your own work and not be the main aspect. For example you cannot reproduce the work of an author of one of the text books you may be using to support your studies and claim it as your own work. It can be used as supporting evidence to your own points rather than be the main part of the evidence you present.
NB: All work quoted from other authors must be quoted. Failure to do so is known as Plagiarism.
If you have plagiarised someone else’s work, your submission will be rejected. If it is proven that you have done this intentionally you risk being removed from your course with immediate effect. Your tutor will guide you on how to reference any quotations from other sources. It is worth remembering that if you have done a similar course before and you copy and paste the answers to your new course, it is still classed as plagiarism. Please remember to reference the quotation or paragraph as if the work were not your own.
If you would like further guidance and how to avoid this situation please ensure that you speak with your tutor prior to starting your course